
how to get into nft

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a cryptographically unique unit of value that can be digitally traded on a blockchain. They can represent ownership, such as a digital share of stock in an organization, or they can represent any other type of digital asset like game upgrades, in game items, or collectables. Image source: With the recent price surge in crypto assets, you may have noticed some newcomers adding non-fungible tokens to their token offerings. A fungible token is a financial asset or good that can easily be traded for another asset or good of the same type. Take, for example, fiat currency; Image source: one dollar is the same as any other dollar, meaning that you cannot identify which one came from where, how it was obtained, or who printed it. This means you can trade any amount of dollars in for any amount at all with no issues and there will be no problem from the seller's side due to this feature. This article will go through many ways ...